West End Lights 2024 – The Countdown starts

The days are getting shorter… and West End Lights 2024 is just about 3 months away!

As you will see on our website https://www.lincoln-west-end-lights.com/ West End Lights 2024 will go ahead on

Friday, 6/12/2024 from 6 pm to 9 pm

We have listened to the community, and there are a few new ideas we’ll make reality this year. Among them a new “digital picture trail” and for the first time we’ll feature not only illumination on our map, but also invite contributors of food, craft, and other things to be sold for charitable causes. These will feature on our map as well, so if illuminating your window is not your cup of tea, but offering tea for donations to your favourite charity is, then we will also have a “home” for you at this year’s West End Lights. We are also planning a dedicated “newcomer” evening prior to the main event, for anyone looking for inspiration or just a nice neighbourly chat. We also can’t wait for the pupils of SFSM to develop awesome poster designs for West End Lights 2024, as for the first time they will be our chief designers. And our lovely West End hospitality businesses (Sycamore and Anna’s Place so far) have already confirmed their participation. So, we’ll have something for everybody again.

Watch this space for further details on all the new (and old) ideas. And if you have another great idea how we can make WEL even better, do let us know!

At this point, please spread the word. Encourage your friends and neighbours in the west end to join the mailing list, and do the same yourself, if you are not subscribed yet. Go to https://www.lincoln-west-end-lights.com/illuminators/ to sign up.

Soon you’ll see posters pop up around the West End and postcards being delivered to houses.

We’ll share updates and next steps via this mailing list and our website. And make sure you follow us on social media:



* (we will discontinue our presence on Twitter/X)

Looking forward to the brightest West End Lights ever.

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